Man-kind's greatest sense of God-given nobility could never imagine a God like unto our God. The best fairy tale ever conjured by finite minds could never portray even the basest image of the greatness of God, even embodied in its most wonderful, noble, kind king or hero. Mere mortals dream of those who rescue the poor and needy, rule with justice and love, and perform daring feats and amazing good deeds.
Never do they imagine One Who sits enthroned in eternity, glorious in holiness and clothed with splendor, infinitely superior to their greatest imaginations and fables. Never do they imagine themselves subjects of the King of kings, the Lord of all lords.
How far above the finest, grandest thoughts of depraved man does the Holy One dwell, searching for those who will not compare Him to their likeness, but will worship Him Alone as everlasting God!
Tis true.
Here, Here.
I spoke to a camp group about this only recently. There is a video about different culture's stories about the moon. Most have something to do with the gods of that culture.
I told them how those gods were made with human attitudes and faults. Whereas, God made us in his image. I told them that was what set our God apart from any other manmade god.
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