I would like to state that the term "orange juice" carries with it the connotation of juice from an orange--yea, even a good dictionary definition would convey this information. And, I would further like to mention, that it does not imply the actual drinking of an orange and all its contents. It is with this in mind that I feel the urge to express an extreme dislike--shall we say, distaste?--when I calmly pour a glass of orange juice, only to drink it and choke on enough pulp to fill 3 very obese oranges. When a sieve is needed to separate the actual juice from the other remnants of oranges...this is when I cry in outrage! (After, of course, I pick all the pulpy sinews from between my teeth.) I drink orange juice because I would like to have the liquid of an orange, not eat half the orange on the way down in the process. What is America coming to?! Where are those who will boldly take a stand and demand the purification of orange juice and preserve the right of eating whole oranges if desired?!
Guess I should just buy the pulp-free kind. :)
I whole heartedly agree with you, dear! The pulp has always been on of my pet peeves! But your post absolutely cracked me up! It was great! SCORE! You win!!
You three are all goobers! Extra pulp is definitely the best - hands down! But I don't mind that your missing out, cause that's just more for me:)
Preach it Rae! You go, girl!
Ha ha! Jon is majorly outnumbered! He can have ALL the pulp he wants! and you can have all of each of ours I am sure, Bud! :)
I must side with Jon on this one... extra pulp is the best!!!
*takes a sip of extremely pulpy orange juice* Aaah! Nothing is better... save sticking a hole in the orange and drinking it that way. That is indeed the best!
Oh, Rae! I do so love orange pulp. I am sorry you do not enjoy it. What you are missing out on!
But then, I also love seeds in my jelly.
Ummm, Loren? Doesn't seeds in jelly make it jam?
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