In departure from the standard fare of blog writing, I would like to state that Thanksgiving Break was very relaxing.

And restful.
Did I mention relaxing?
All in all, I think this was a good and profitable thing. Some circumstances are overwhelmingly dire and it is easy to succomb to the pressure of the moment. All the stress relief was decidedly necessary.
Rae!! You weren't supposed to tell what we did this weekend! It was supposed to be a secret!! 'member?? Oh well -- now that cat is out of the bag and they know that you and Mia went off the edge! :) It was such a good break! God is so good!
Looks like you had fun! I just took pics with me standing next to my bro.
Rae, what a blessing you are! Thanks for your smiles and help the other day with Kelli! Your blog posts with maria made me laugh :) Have a great wkd!!
What type of car do you have - I think I might be interested in getting me one of those when my van dies :)
Rae, Your so funny. I wish I was still around to relax with you too.
...It would appear as though we need to have a little talk...
...about this whole...
...carma happy place thing.
I'm concerned.
Just because you're taking it easy at home doesn't mean you have to stop posting...
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