Happy Valentine's Day. :)
The past few days have been full of thoughts and emotions and lessons; but particularly, it seems as though the Lord has been reminding me of Love--His and mine. And how very different the two are. Several messages in these few days have targeted the issue of my heart, and I've been realizing more and more how incredibly deficient, shallow, and trivial my love for Christ has become. Somewhere, at some point, I ceased doing things because of my passion for Him and started the "habit of holiness", if you will. Spirituality became the norm, and my love waned as I continued on in my own strength. The love of Christ wasn't compelling me.
It scares me that my sin is so deceitful, and how quickly I am hardened by it. Since today was Valentine's Day (and I am blessedly single) :) I was thinking about the love of my God and how infinitely great it is. I Corinthians 13 is an amazing passage; not only does it describe what our love for others and for God should be, but it pictures a small window into His love for us.
May we delight in the love of God...rooted and grounded, that we might know with all the saints what is the length and depth and breadth and heighth of His love that surpasses our knowledge. And may we walk worthy, compelled by an ever-increasing love for Christ.